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Delete, Delete, Delete

We are all guilty of it, the replaying and rehashing of moments in our lives that leave us lacking closure. Whether it is a job position gone wrong, a break up in a relationship or an issue with a family member, we go through every word of every email or text message over and over, pondering the "meaning" behind each. We fantasize about what could have been said to change the outcome. We read more into the words than was actually intended. We let the good ones make us feel like we made the wrong choice, and let the bad ones fill us with anger and regret. You will never have "closure" or peace of mind if you don't delete.

There comes a time when you need to accept that there really isn't such a thing as "closure" in most situations. There is just no good way to end a bad situation or even almost but not quite good one. Your only closure will come when you yourself close the door on the situation, leaving it wherever it left off, no matter how lacking that feels. The closure does not come from the "ending", the last scene, the last word, it comes when you finally accept it is over no matter how it ended.

So, stop reading the text thread over and over. Every time you do, you set yourself back from moving on. Stop analyzing, stop hoping, stop pretending. Delete it. I promise you as hard as that sounds, there is something freeing about removing that clutter from your head and heart. Soon you will forget the words that currently seem burned into your brain. Soon you won't be able to replay the final scene over and over because when the words disappear eventually so does the hurt, the hate, and yes even the love.

Believe it or not, your mind is there to protect your heart, let it do its job. Delete, delete, delete. And just like that, it will be over.

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